Fund Schemes | Trail |
Equity Schemes | |
Equity Funds | 0.10% to 1.75% |
ELSS Funds | 0.25% to 1.75% |
Hybrid Schemes | |
Asset Allocation Funds | 0.35% to 1.75% |
Arbitrage Funds | 0.25% to 0.95% |
Hybrid Funds | 0.30% to 1.75% |
Debt Schemes | |
Gilt Funds | 0.07% to 1.05% |
Income & Bond Funds | 0.15% to 1.25% |
Short Term Funds | 0.05% to 1.00% |
Liquid & Floating Rate | 0.02% to 0.40% |
Other Schemes | |
Index Funds | 0.02% to 0.88% |
All transactions executed through Safe Assets are "execution only" transactions and no advice is given.
This is on a best effort basis, Details of Scheme level commission on Mutual funds are available with the Relationship Managers and would be produced on demand.